Mykrotek delivers a full range of services aimed at providing access to
computer technology for businesses of all sizes. We help you and your company leverage today's technology
to make your business more efficient and profitable. Call us today and discover how Mykrotek makes it
easy to put computer technology to work for you.
Internet Services - Being connected to the Internet is no longer a luxury in today's business environment.
E-mail and Instant Messaging keep you connected to your clients. Your Web Site tells the world that you are
up to date and ready for business. Mykrotek helps you to get connected, or upgrade and secure your current
connection to the Internet. We help you choose the right
connection, share your connection throughout
the company, and set up firewalls and security to protect your systems and data. |
PC Support and Networking - Computers are an indispensable part of doing business today. You depend on
them for everything from writing letters to keeping track of your finances. Keeping them running and problem-free shouldn't be part of your company's workload. Mykrotek provides the knowledge and experience you need
to get the most from your computers without having to hire your own "guru". From
repairs and upgrades to
installation and networking, we take the hassle out of maintaining and connecting your company's computer
systems. |
Software Development -
Usually, it's easy to find a program or software package that fits your
needs. There are times though, when you have a unique application that isn't addressed by
available "off the shelf"
programs. Mykrotek develops custom software for use in your business or products that meet your exact
requirements. We are experts in business
applications, end-use applications
& device drivers for your customers,
and embedded software that enhances your products. |
Electronic Design - If you have an idea for a new product, or for improving your current product with new
technology, we can help. Mykrotek provides a full range of electronic design services, from circuit design
to printed circuit board layout and assembly. We'll take your requirements and determine the right mix of
microprocessor, digital, and analog design techniques to yield the optimum solution
for your needs. |
Serial Interfaces and Cables - With
all the different computers, modems, printers, and other accessories
on the market, it can be difficult getting them all to communicate
with each other. Mykrotek specializes in troubleshooting,
developing, and implementing serial
interfaces and communications protocols. We also design custom cables to connect your
systems together, and use our specialized tools to debug and repair your existing serial interfaces. |
Industrial Controls -
How you control your manufacturing and plant devices affects both
the quality and cost of your product. Mykrotek has years of
experience in designing, implementing, and updating industrial plant
control systems. We help you select a PLC (programmable
logic controller) and write the ladder logic programming for
it. We also develop PC based control solutions to meet
your exact needs. |
Mykrotek handles your computer
technology needs so you can concentrate on your business.